My favorite bread

LeadDog's picture

I guess my search for this bread started about four years ago and I didn't even know that until now. The final parts started with my new starter that I made last November.  That starter is made of equal parts of home milled flour from the these five grains Wheat, Rye, Barley, Spelt, and Kamut.  I did this because I wanted the starter to have as many different sources as I could find for its yeast and bacteria.  The original starter was at 100% hydration and is the easiest starter I have ever made.  The only problem I had with it is that it didn't like white flour and I like to make white bread once in a while.  I changed the flour that I feed the starter to 50% white flour and 10% of each of the other five flours.  The hydration was lowered to 50% and is kept at room temperature.  Here is a picture of the loaf.

I have been making this bread for over a month now and baking it in all different kind of shapes.  The flavor of the bread is clearly special with a very nice open crumb.  The crumb is surprisingly open to me since 50% of the flour is whole grain.  The flour that the bread is made with is the same blend that I feed the starter with.

The Dough

Ingredient Metric Imperial Baker's Percentage
White Flour 305 grams 10.77 oz 50.00%
Whole Wheat Flour 61 grams 2.15 oz 10.00%
Barley Flour 61 grams 2.15 oz 10.00%
Spelt Flour 61 grams 2.15 oz 10.00%
Rye Flour 61 grams 2.15 oz 10.00%
Kamut Flour 61 grams 2.15 oz 10.00%
Water 458 grams 16.17 oz 75.08%
Salt 9 grams 0.32 oz 1.48%
Preferment 80% hydration 122 grams 4.31 oz 20.00%
Total Flour Weight:
610 grams

Percentages are relative to flour weight (flour equals 100%) and every other ingredient is a percentage of this. Flour from the starter is not counted. This recipe was originally in grams and has been automatically converted to other measures.


I make my preferment and let raise for 24 hours.  The preferment is made with 2 grams of my storage starter and 67 grams of my flour blend and 53 grams of water.  The preferment is then added to the water and broken up.  The white flour is added next and mixed in to make a soupy solution.  The five grains are added to the flour mill and ground into flour then sifted.  This flour is then added to the rest and mixed into a shaggy mass and let rest for 30 minutes to an hour.  The salt is then added and the dough is finished mixing.  I do a few hours of bulk fermenting at room temperature and then place the dough out into the cold garage for an overnight retarding.  The next morning I shape the loaf and place it into an oval basket.  I then place the dough into the fridge to cook later that night.  The oven is preheated to 460° F and then the dough is taken out of the fridge.  I slash the loaf with one slash right down the middle.  It is then cooked under a roasting pan for 30 minutes and then 15 minutes with out the roasting pan.  Cooking time is 45 minutes all total.  Here is a picture of the crumb.

I can't get over the nice big holes this bread has.  The flavor starts off with a nice sweet taste to it but as you chew it up you get a nice mild sour flavor.  I also have been waiting three days to cut the loafs after baking them and I feel the flavor is even better then.  A number of people at work have said that this is their favorite bread of all the breads that I make.  It really is amazing how good a bread can taste with just flour, water, and salt.  I know it might be hard to get all the flours to make this bread but for me it is worth the effort.

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Karniecoops's picture
Karniecoops 2011 March 10

Looks great LD and I love the colour of the crumb too.  I don't have any barley flour, but do have buckwheat so might do a swap and give it a try this weekend.  I'll let you know how it goes.


Karniecoops's picture
Karniecoops 2011 March 13

So I've just eaten a slice of the loaf I baked this morning .......... and it is very good!  Thanks for the recipe!

I used my rye starter, then white, rye, wholemeal, buckwheat, besan and spelt flours to make the dough.  I didn't get to knead it at the beginning as I timed the bread making poorly around my Taichi class, so it got to sit for about 4 hours at RT amusing itself doing a very long autolyse!  I gave it a bit of a knead at 4 hours after mixing, and then put it in the fridge and folded hourly for another 3 hours.  I shaped it at about 8.30pm last night and let it retard in the fridge overnight, baking it this morning at 10.30am.

My crumb isn't anywhere as nice looking as yours LD, but am very happy with the wonderful flavour and moistness. 

My loaf was still warm when I cut it, which wasn't ideal, but I had a hungry vulture on my shoulder who was going to die if a slice of bread wasn't consumed within seconds!

The blend of flours certainly adds a very interesting flavour to the bread - I like it a lot!


LeadDog's picture
LeadDog 2011 March 13

 Karnie  that looks really good.  What do you think it is like to wait three days to cut the bread?  I have some millet here maybe I should throw some of that into the mix.

Karniecoops's picture
Karniecoops 2011 March 13

I can't imagine how you had the fortitude to wait 3 days!?  I can usually wait till the loaf has cooled, but if it's something I haven't made before andam itching to find out how the crumb looks and what it tastes like, I don't think I could do 3 days.  Good on you! :o)

LeadDog's picture
LeadDog 2011 March 14

 Here is the one I made today.  I will cut it on Wednesday.  I save the best for last.  I got a flaker for Christmas and have been having fun adding flakes to bread.

My Favorite Bread with Flakes

farinam's picture
farinam 2011 March 14

LeadDog - you are a legend!

I'm flat out keeping a loaf uncut for three hours, let alone three days /;-{)}

LeadDog's picture
LeadDog 2011 March 15

 Ok next time you make bread make three loaves so that you will have one to cut on the 3rd day.  I think you will notice the difference.  Yes it is hard looking at that bread and not eating it but I do have last weeks left over sandwich bread that I can eat instead so I'm fine.

arbour7's picture
arbour7 2012 February 6


What kind of white flour do you use?  Is it all purpose flour   or bread flour?

Yesterday, I change from all purpose flour   ( 305 g  includind   1/2 cup of gluten)   to  bread  flour.   I had difficuty  mixing my bread.  I should see today, if the bread is as good as before. 

Thanks for that recipes.




arbour7's picture
arbour7 2012 February 6

Here a photo of my bread, juste before cooking. This is the  bread with the flour bread, 50%, (with problem!) and no gluten add.


ANINA MARCUS 2016 December 3

I love the bread.. Imade it with amaranth, spelt, rye, wheat and white.. a little more salt. 12 hour retare in fridge..    great flavor.. who was your inspiration for this bread? 

LeadDog's picture
LeadDog 2016 December 5

I don't know if anyone was my inspiration for this bread.  I just like trying different things and this was one of the trials that I did.  It turned out really well and I was very pleased with it.  I think I should make it again.

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