Barley and Wheat Bran Miche

leonfurze's picture

I decided to have a go at a country-style miche with my rye starter, and was pleased with the results, especially the sweetness from the barley flour, and the texture and colour of the crumb from the rye. I was also happy that I've finally managed to iron out a few bugs I've had in the last few of my sourdoughs, such as a pale crust, an overly dry feel, and a fairly large exploding dough...

The Dough

Ingredient Metric Imperial Baker's Percentage
Rye Starter @ 100% Hydration 230 grams 8.12 oz 48.42%
Strong Bread Flour 400 grams 14.12 oz 84.21%
Barley Flour 75 grams 2.65 oz 15.79%
Wheat Bran 25 grams 0.88 oz 5.26%
Water 330 grams 11.65 oz 69.47%
Salt 10 grams 0.35 oz 2.11%
Total Flour Weight:
475 grams

Percentages are relative to flour weight (flour equals 100%) and every other ingredient is a percentage of this. Flour from the starter is not counted. This recipe was originally in grams and has been automatically converted to other measures.


1) Mix all ingredients and autolyse (rest) for 30 minutes.

2) Knead for 5 minutes and rest for a further 30 minutes.

3) Check the consistency of the dough (windowpane test, and dough should be tacky but not too sticky), if necessary, knead for a further 5 minutes.

4) Shape into a rough ball and bulk ferment at room temperature for two hours. During this time I also did a stretch/fold.

5) Shape into a boule and place into a floured banneton. Proof for about 4 hours at room temperature.

6) Preheat oven to max, prepare a steam bath (place cermaic baking dish into oven) and place a baking stone in oven. Turn out loaf onto a peel and slash. Pour boiling water into baking dish and place bread into oven. Bake for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 210°C and bake for a further 30 minutes.

7) Test for doneness (bread should register above 180°C at the centre and sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. Cool on a wire reack for at least one hour.

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leonfurze's picture
leonfurze 2012 September 6

Hey thanks, the bread also held up really well (we took half of it with us over a long weekend, and freezered the other half), so overall very pleased with this one!

Zuleima 2012 September 23

Hola soy Aprendiz Panadera de Venezuela y me gustaria muchisimo realizar este pan pero no comprendo, aunque busco un traductor en google, que es 

Rye Starter @ 100% Hydration

esperando de pronta respuesta...Zuleima García

fancy4baking 2012 November 8

Upon calculating the BP% of this bread i found that the hydration is not as you mentioned in the recipe 69.47%.

Including the hydration of the starter the over-all hydration reaches up to %72.4

I guess i'm going to try this bread with some tweaks like adding whole wheat flour.


saldun70 2013 July 20

 Nah, the hydration is as per the formula. Taking a 100% hydration leaven/starter into account is moot. If anything the hydration would be lower, as the wheat bran is sure to absorb moisture.


BTW: lovely looking bread, leonfurze; baking off my first attempt at it in the morning!

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