Hey everyone! I have recently started baking sourdough bread and i am in love. It has been maybe 3 or 4 weeks now, i have baked...
Hi! I was wondering if anyone can help. I have a 100% hydration starter (6 weeks old). I retain a cup and feed it with 120g AP/...
Frank is looking for a Spelt Pizza Dough Recipe - can anyone help?
Been making sough dough for a while, results are generally very good. Use it for pizza, bread and pitta bread. The bread looks...
Could a friendly breadmaker tell me how to replicate what is called "farine bise" in Europe? in french baking it is the T80 flour...
Hi all, I created a starter about 18 months ago and began making sourdough bread, at home, in my kitchen.. Everything went pretty...
Valerie has asked : The sourdough I tried would never get past a loose batter no matter how much flour I added... so weird,...
Hello everyone, have not been active here for a while mainly because I got away from baking. But recently resumed baking bread...
Thank you to the generous people who share their knowledge and make this forum possible. Six months ago I started baking...
Harvested from an ancient sea, sealed underground for millions of years. Unrefined Grey Sea Salt Product of Australia ** THIS ITEM INCLUDES...Read more
In his book, "Tartine Bread," Chad Robertson says freshly milled flour is much better tasting. So, I went to Amazon. After...
Been using King Arthur Flour for years and now judge all flours by its standards in terms of % protein and consistency. As I look...
Hi Ive had a go at making a sourdough starter, im 3 days in and so far its looking ok. I was wondering if anyone could recommend...
Hello everyone. I just found this website. I'm interested in trying sourdough again. I was once fairly successful at baking, but...
Hey guys! Ive been making a whole range of different doughnuts in the kitchen over the past few weeks i.e cake, yeast raised and...
Hi great to see a sourdough forum down under... and such a nicely organised one at that... congrats!! what I have for a long time...
Hi, My daughter passed away in Nov. To help me get through this difficult time, I decided to learn how to bake bread. I love...
I am new to this forum. I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I have discovered that I can eat breads and cookies that...
A large deep dish pizza made in a cast iron frying pan.Read more
Hi Everyone! Just for a bit of fun, and out of interest.... who here thinks they have the oldest (or knows about the oldest,...
Adapted the recipe from AWW cookbook, changed bits. This is a melt and mix shortbread, different for the above, which is creaming.Read more
This recipe is adapted from Kelly Coyne & Erik Knutzen's Making It (2010, Rodale). Vollkornbrot is a very dense bread popular in...Read more
Hello, I'm new to baking and trying to get a sourdough starter going. Mine consists of 40g that I keep each time, then I add 40g...
All that bubbling on the crust. I let it sit out while the oven heated. It had an overnight retard in the fridge and did not seem...
Pistachio BiscottiRead more