
Adam T's picture
Adam T

Makes 6-7, 900 gram braided loaves

*before mixing this dough take ¼ of the water quantity and steep a pinch of saffron in it. Allow this to cool to room temp before it is added to the mix.

The Dough

Ingredient Metric Imperial Baker's Percentage
Hard White Flour *add extra flour for if too wet 1250 grams 44.13 oz 50.00%
All purpose Flour 1250 grams 44.13 oz 50.00%
Water 1350 grams 47.66 oz 54.00%
Fresh Yeast 160 grams 5.65 oz 6.40%
Sour Starter 400 grams 14.12 oz 16.00%
10 x Egg Yolks 190 grams 6.71 oz 7.60%
Canola Oil 135 grams 4.77 oz 5.40%
Sugar 135 grams 4.77 oz 5.40%
Salt 50 grams 1.77 oz 2.00%
Total Flour Weight:
2500 grams

Percentages are relative to flour weight (flour equals 100%) and every other ingredient is a percentage of this. Flour from the starter is not counted. This recipe was originally in grams and has been automatically converted to other measures.


I use a hobart mixer, so....

Mix for 5 minutes on first speed. Rest for 1 hour before dividing
divide into 300 gram pieces roll out until around 12" long. Braid 3 pieces together. Allow to proof for 30 minutes
Brush with an egg wash (egg whites and water)
Bake at 325 degrees until golden brown

Any questions, just ask


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TeckPoh's picture
TeckPoh 2008 March 5
seeing how fast you find your way around in the forum; you posted this in the correct place alrighty.

I wonder if a several years old saffron can still be used. Hubby got some when he visited Spain 5 years ago. If not, it's really time for me to get some....seems as expensive as gold.

Tks for sharing the formula.
Adam T's picture
Adam T 2008 March 5
I would think that if it were packaged appropriately, it should be fine. It is sold in a dried form.
Jeremy's picture
Jeremy 2008 March 6
TP, it should be fine (zafran, if it isn't wet!), as well Nancy Silverton puts apple that is grated in her dough, from the La Brea Bakery book!
Adam T's picture
Adam T 2008 March 6
I have that book! For our apple cider bread, we cube apples, and put them in the dough. Makes a nice french toast
Adam T's picture
Adam T 2010 August 3

Accidently  forgot the yeast in this a couple weeks ago at work. 

So here is what I did:

After the initial proof and shaping, I put it in the fridge overnight. The next night I took it out and allowed it to proof for an hour or two. It didn't seem to rise much, but it looked good so I baked it. When it was done, it had risen quite a bit. 

The taste was excellent. Nice sour hint to it. 

I still have some in the freezer I will have to take out and eat up soon. 

I have also changed from the 3 braid to the 2 braid style. Looks much nicer. It's tricky at first to remember which direction to cross it. 


Later, Adam

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