Rye Sourdough

Adam T's picture
Adam T

This is a variation of one of Daniel Leader's Rye sourdough recipes called " Czech Country Bread" Pages 308-310 of his book "Local Breads"


I was planning to use 100 % rye flour, but ran out. So I supplemented some Whole Wheat. The Recipe in Dan's book calls for 400 g white flour, and 100 g rye flour.


This is baking as I type, and the aroma, is making me hungry.

The Dough

Ingredient Metric Imperial Baker's Percentage
Rye Flour 325 grams 11.47 oz 65.00%
Whole Wheat Flour 175 grams 6.18 oz 35.00%
Rye Sour Starter (100%) 100 grams 3.53 oz 20.00%
Water 350 grams 12.36 oz 70.00%
Table Salt 10 grams 0.35 oz 2.00%
Ground Flax Seed 50 grams 1.77 oz 10.00%
Total Flour Weight:
500 grams

Percentages are relative to flour weight (flour equals 100%) and every other ingredient is a percentage of this. Flour from the starter is not counted. This recipe was originally in grams and has been automatically converted to other measures.


Day 1

I refreshed my starter when I came home from work yesterday morning, and left it downstairs where the woodstove was going for about 4 hours. Once it was about 3/4 up the container, I moved it upstairs where it was cooler, and finished my sleep. Another 4 hours had passed, and my starter was trying to work its way out of the container. So I started making my dough.

I combined all the ingredients, and mixed by hand until it had come together. I let it rest for about 10 minutes while I cleaned up.

After which I then kneaded it for several minutes ( adding the flax here), and returned it to the oiled bowl and covered for 1 hour downstairs with my woodstove again. 

Once the hour was up, I brought it back upstairs and kneaded it for about 20 seconds, formed a ball, and returned it to the warmth downstairs for another hour.

By this time I was about ready for work again ( 9 pm), so I formed it into a pullman, and put it into a sprayed pan, and covered it in the fridge until about 9 am.

Day 2

I removed it from the fridge and put it downstairs again for about an hour.

At which time I preheated my oven and slid it in with the tray of boiling water.

I baked it for the first 15 minutes with a tray of boiling water in the bottom of the oven. @450F

Continued to bake @ 450F for another 10 minutes. removing the tray of water.

Then reduced to 425F and baked for 20 minutes. removing it from the pan in the last 10 minutes.

Total Bake time 45 minutes.


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Adam T's picture
Adam T 2009 December 21

what I would do differently, is instead of going off the top of my head, write it out first. And read it over! I had the flour weight wrong for the whole wheat! Fixed!


This is officially my first outside-of-work sourdough attempt. It's a little different at home!


Rye and whole wheat flour are stone ground organic.

Adam T's picture
Adam T 2009 December 23

It's quite the brick! Very heavy and dense loaf. I wonder if it would have been different if I divided it in half?

I suppose it could have used some more time to proof as well.

Karniecoops's picture
Karniecoops 2009 December 31

I was just thinking what a lovely rise you got out of your loaf!  My rye breads are usually pretty flat across the top.  I might have a look at that recipe this weekend as have "Local Breads" at home, but haven't worked my way that far through the book yet.

Without seeming like an idiot, can I ask what a "pullman" is?


Adam T's picture
Adam T 2009 December 31

It split around the rim of the pan quite a bit, that is what makes me think it could have sat longer.

A pullman, is just a term for the shape of the loaf. pullman, football(American), torpedo... call it whatever you like.



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