Bread #71 - Mixed einkorn flour into a rye dough made with rye starter. Lovely, though it needed a few extra minutes in the oven...
Hi there, I have been baking for a couple of years now and mostly make sourdough with a crisp crunchy crust. Unfortunately my...
Hi! Just found this website. Looking forward to exploring it! I have made my first batch of yeast using a recipe from another...
Hi all Having trouble breeding a starter. Followed the instructions on this site. Day 1, maybe a couple of bubbles. Day 2, going...
Can anyone tell me how to get a really good onion bread? Should I use dried onions and/or onion powder, or something else? I have...
Made my own sourdough starter But still find when baking the bread is always is soft and wet Tried baking for a longer time And...
Hi all. I've been getting lots of useful information here over the past two months since I started baking sourdough bread. (Thank...
Hi All, It has been some while now that I am baking my sourdough bread. I have been using lots of techniques and finally I have...
Hi everyone, at last on my fourth attempt my bread has come out quite good I think. The taste is just lovely the crust could be a...
Hello. Received ALOT of dates, which I turned into date paste. Anyone have any suggestions as to using it with sourdough? Added...
I maintain my starter with all purpose flour. When I make bread with either white bread flour or all purpose flour, it rises...
First in foremost hello to all, I am really aspiring to change the way of living in my area and open a storefront. My backround...
Just finished a small Alan Scott oven
Hi Need a bit of help restarting my starter. I had just a tiny bit left from my last bake and find that feeding by doubling the...
This bread is 62 percent non-white flours. I put in arrowroot flour, whole wheat flour, and - especially good - flaxseed meal...
Bread #63 (yes, wrote this after breads #64 and #65) is a satisfactory sandwich bread of cornmeal and bread flour. Not as...
Please, can anybody help me? Despite sterilizing my starter jar and being very careful to keep it covered, I get to day 5 and...
Hi all Just a word of warning regarding O/C,s advertised Oven Plans , do not bother Having built two domed masoary ovens I was...
I just created my starter yesterday and am looking forward to watching its progress. When I found this site, I was excited to see...
Hey all! I took quite a hiatus from the forum, even if I was just trolling. Part of this unfortunate vacation also led me to...
I'm a one-handed, because of a stroke, cook who is just now getting into sourdough bread. I would like to know if there are...
This bread had arrowroot flour, barley flour, and cornmeal, with oats and caraway seeds on top. Oh my! Did a sponge, autolyse and...
I'm loving baking sourdough. I do have a problem. The dough doubles in size when proving but comes out flat as a pancake from the...
Really it's fall and the plums don't taste like they did in my sisters orchard! But as this will be my first post in OT recipe,...
just testing my new sourdough, what do you think ?