100yo+ Polish Rye Bread


Old Polish Rye Sourdough bread.
(100+ years old recipe)
1.5L – sour dough starter – 0.5L Rye flour / 0.5L Water / Half teaspoon of salt
2Kg – Rye flour (quality affects taste and darkness of bread)
0.5L warm water
3-4 Tea spoons of salt

Now I know we all got starters but I would recommend doing this starter way recipe tells you.
Mix water and flour, add half teaspoon salt and mix again
Best to use clay container of some sort then cover it with saucer and leave it for 5-7 days minimum, till is bubbly and smell sour.
No refreshing, just leave it in warm dark draft free place, recipe calls for “near by oven” oven as in old in house brick oven but not in spot where it will get too hot.
(From my experience with our sourdough starters we use around here) this starer looks little different, it is more water in it as you see from 0.5L x2 and not 0.5kg, also there is no timing for it to be at peak or near peak, so when you use it after ~7days you might have nice bubbly mass but also it might get to point of where solids and water are fully separated but as long you welcomed with sour but slightly yeasty smell to it and in general good smell for your nose and not paint smell it means all is good)

Preparing starer for bread making
After 7 days put starter and 100-150ml warm water in bowl and mix it well, should become very wet, water like almost, you want to aim for something so when you add 1KG flour and mix with wooden spoon or hands it will give you muddy consitency.
Put it away for ~10 hours in warm dark place.

Making Dough
First dissolve 3-4 teaspoons of salt in 0.5L of warm water
then take your starter mixture after 10 hours and add last 1kg rye flour and salty water and knead your dough first in a bowl but once it forms in to nice ball move it to the well floured table.
You want to knead it well but there is no need to knead it for very long as with yeasted white breads.
Rub some grease in to bread pans (olive oil, or animal fat shortening seem the best, avoid butter like things)
This should be enough for 2 loafs (or 3 if you have smaller pans) feel pens about half way up.
Then brush top with boiling water and put in dark warm place, draft free, can cover with tea towel.
Let it sit for ~3hours or more if it isn’t moving up very fast.
oven should be warmed up to 250C and you pop the bread in
After 15min lower temperature to 200C and bake for around 70min from that point on, (if smaller loafs are made you have to reduce bake time)
After baking you want to flip it out on to cooling wire rack right away then you brush it (with brush DOH!) very well with hot boiling water on top
Recipe ask to average everything and not hold to the dot this way bread have some soul that is connected to your own soul and not repeated same way time after time

Very immportant tips
If you don’t want your bread to collapse during baking make sure you don’t sit down while bread is baking in oven.
If you want your bread to rise very well you should throw oven peel as high in air as you can, the higher it goes the more bread will rise.
Bread will taste best after 1 day of resting.
Enjoy it

I got some more which I will try to translate sooner this time, sorry everyone for the long delay :|


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