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  1. risk of botulism?

    ... likely be a whole cottage industry of Home Botox Parties - people injecting starter into their already-doughy faces, trying to slow the ...

    idullic - 2020-04-03 19:17 - 4 comments

  2. Starter not rising after 8 days :(

    ... frames that are given in methods are only a guide.  Some people manage to get a useable starter going in only a matter of days where ...

    lizzielll - 2016-06-30 13:46 - 6 comments

  3. Texture of my sourdough

    ... it can go straight from the fridge to the oven though most people would usually take it out and leave on the bench while the oven comes to ...

    Twoxmelles - 2014-09-06 16:40 - 4 comments

  4. More loft: what to vary next?

    ... I've never come across one that couldn't be hand-mixed. People develop their own preferences over time. There are lots of techniques ... This will ensure the dough doesn't stick to them. Some people oil their hands, but I find water does the job fine. Try this ...

    a.j.m - 2010-11-29 07:57 - 13 comments

  5. How long to knead on machine: Can you knead too much?

    ... or placing in a tin or banneton for a third rising.  Many people don't bother with the second rising, but I do so out of habit I ...

    Ilovesourdough - 2012-03-13 07:22 - 6 comments

  6. Crystal Waters

    ... choosing to remain small and local so that the people who buy our bread know us and thereby have a more direct contact with ...

    lesleymaureen - 2016-12-05 23:32

  7. Bread burning on bottom :(

    ... to get a decent crust on, and prefer elec oven.   BTW people say that elec stays moist as the air doesn't flow through like in a gas ...

    Gundarak - 2012-05-22 21:30 - 7 comments

  8. More on salt ...

    ... after. I add salt before kneading.  That being said people have been baking bead for hundreds of years. My thinking is that if your ...

    gongoozler - 2013-04-07 03:27 - 4 comments

  9. The Handmade Loaf - Dan Lepard

    ... probably 79 but you insist it's 76 and the postman and the people living in your vicinity know you only too well, so they always redirect ...

    ChuckB - 2009-12-06 22:19 - 23 comments

  10. German bread success

    ... An 'Open House' is when we open our house to people (friends, friends of friends, anybody) to walk in whenever they want ...

    Jeremy - 2008-10-10 12:55 - 28 comments
