<p>wholemeal rolls (sourdough) with bulk fermentation in the fridge</p>
<p>bag a l'ancienne</p>...
<p>sourdough foccacia (a l'ancienne)</p>...
<p>hybrid ciabatta</p>
<p>Barm crumb</p>
<p>Barm bread 2007</p>
<p>Penelope 2 months</p>
<p>Christmas fruit loaf</p>
<p>Panettone crumb</p>
<p>Christmas Panettone</p>
[img]http://www.sourdough.com.au/gallery/d/6779-2/DSCN1827.JPG[/img] loaves in the afternoon sun - Sunday's bake, and not a pot...
<p>two loaves (pain de campagne, and vienna)</p>
I have been baking largely from the fridge in the last few weeks (ie dough taken from fridge and put straight into hot oven). I...
<p>pane francese au levain</p>
<p>pane francese au levain (left baked straight from fridge, right baked after proving for 3-4 hours)</p>
version of the Thom Leonard recipe in Maggie Glezer's Artisan baking [img]http://www.sourdough.com.au/gallery/d/5756-2/DSCN1783...
<p>olive loaf - crumb</p>