
  • gas or electric deck oven

    (I hope I'm not replicating a subject here). We have come up against the dilemma of where to take our small wood fired sourdough...

  • wood fired oven???

    Hi all, im new to this forum, im looking to build a semi comercial wood oven is their anyone who could give me some tips or...

  • What has gone wrong with my sourdough bread?

    Hi, I’m new here. I’ve been trying to make sourdough bread and have tried at least 4 times, but all my attempts failed miserably...

  • New member, old baker

    I'm a home baker, just found this site. I've been making bread since reading a book called Great Bread in about 1970 (I still...

  • Black bits in my starter sos!

    Hi, I have made my first starter using a method I found online. It took 11 days and passed the float test. It was going fantastic...

    1 comment
  • Looking for other bakers in the Columbus, OH area to share with

    I am a home bread baker living in Columbus OH area and would love to get together with pother bakers to share recipes, breads and...

  • Lunch

    100% Whole wheat starter 80% hydration white sourdough loaf cooked on the hearth in my pizza oven

    1 comment
  • 100% Starter Bread Recipes

    Hi there! I am new to the sourdough community. I am wondering if it is possible to use 100% fed starter to bake bread. Is it...

  • Trouble Rolling a Loaf

    I am having trouble rolling a loaf. I use a loaf pan, and a banneton. I have watched 4-5 videos online, and I can not seem to...

  • Proving or starter?

    Hi all, I'm new here, but I've been scouring forums for an answer to my question and haven't found one so thought I'd ask...

  • Sourdough cracking along top while baking

    Hello, I'm new here, but i've been baking sourdough bread for about three years (so my starter is/was pretty healthy) in a...

  • can I recue overproof dough?

    I started my firat loaf yesterday early afternoon. I was following the direction for a loaf from "wild feremntation". It seemed...

  • Start problems

    Hi I'm new to this. I just tried to make my first starter. i used equal measures (1/2 cup) of filtered water and strong white...

  • Pizza doughs other uses...

    I wanted some rolls so I took the dough in a different direction. It was my first bake on a stone and it worked great! That dense...

  • Very Dark Loaf

    Just cooked my 3rd loaf of sourdough bread this morning. It came out very dark. Almost burned. 30 minutes at 500 and 15 minutes...

  • Wholewheat sourdough

    hi there I want to try the sourdough starter recipe but actually I live in nepal and can't find rye flour. Is it suitable to use...

  • Starter Help

    I was planning an making some sourdough pancakes so I used some of my sourdough starter that I was going to discard to make the...

  • 2 years old and going strong

    My starter just had its 2nd birthday so I made these little beauties to celebrate @ 80% hydration

    1 comment
  • Gluten free Sourdough

    Thanks so much for a great site with a lot of wonderful information. This is my first time posting but I have been visiting a lot...

  • Help!

    I have neglected my sourdough starter (regular white all purpose flour and room temperature to cool water according to...

  • Dough not growing

    It's my first time making a sourdough bread and I started yesterday, I used 100g of starter* (feeded) 500g of all-porpose flour...

    1 comment
  • Grain in Brisbane

    Does anyone know where I can buy 20 - 25 kg bags of grain (wheat, rye etc) in Brisbane? It doesn't have to be organic, just...

  • Advice please

    hi guys i have a starter that I was given, feed it twice a day 10% starter 100g bakers flour and 55g water starter is healthy and...

  • Where to find Dark Sweet and Sour Rye Bread?

    Can anyone suggest where Michael might find 'Dark Sweet and Sour Rye Bread' either in Canberra or Sydney?

  • Starter issue

    Hi, I am new to this (1 1/2 months ago was given my starter) made some lovely loaves of bread, but then we went away for 9 days,...

