This is the type of place you don't want to find via a review. It's better to just stumble across Bourke Street or hear a friend...Read more
Baker D. Chirico has influenced many bakeries in Australia and even a few overseas. A large amount of customers are actually...Read more
If there is still politics in the Sydney baking scene, La Tartine are firmly camped within pure sourdough, certified organic...Read more
Companion Bakery was an organic wood-fired sourdough bakery based in Oatlands, Tasmania. Central to the bakery's philosophy was...Read more
Berry Woodfired Sourdough Bakery Joost and Jelle Hilkemeijer run the sourdough bakery at Berry. Joost says his philosophies and...Read more
John Downes started the modern sourdough movement in Australia, circa 1978 at Feedwell, in Greville st Prahran (VIC). John was...Read more
Mario Cucuzza operates Fatto a Mano Organic Bakery from the old Gertrude Street Bakery premises. Mario was a big fan of the old...Read more
1 Place honours -,,Traditional Sourdough'' loaf.At the recent Bakery Australia – National Baking Competition. Held at Sydney...Read more
I came to stay a night at Boonderoo Farm by chance, after picking up a hitch-hiker and imagining that his destination was better...Read more
For these crispy, light and buttery sourdough pastries, come to Crystal Waters Bakery any Saturday from 8am till 1pm. Better not...Read more
Dench Bakers is a family bakery. Tony Dench and John Dench own and operate the bakery and café at North Fitzroy. It is a good...Read more
Flour bakery proves that it is possible to run a high quality artisan bakery within a shopping arcade. It helps that 'Ferry Road...Read more
we specialize in baking with spelt flour We do mail order if interested. -Four seed -Honey oat -Common (the base dough for all...Read more
Proudly serving the community since 1976 this bakery specializes in german breads made with natural sour dough. Also specializes...Read more
Iain Banfield and Lyndall Francis operate Fruition in the Yarra Valley hills behind Melbourne. Fruition is a truly holistic...Read more
Sonoma are one of Sydney's premier sourdough bakeries. They use organic flour and supply many outlets accross Sydney.Andrew...Read more
Milawa Factory Bakery was our first stop in Victoria. This was a real suprise. Milawa is a North Eastern rural community. The...Read more
Fatto a Mano Organic Bakery We are happy to report that an excellent artisan bakery, Fatto a Mano, is now operating from the old...Read more
An one man band run by a German living in Ireland. I missed my German sourdough bread so much, now I do it myself. I just started...Read more